Me, Myself &and I

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Welcome to my blog! ^.^ I hope to share, capture my days and inspire all of you through my experiences. I blog about restaurants, beauty products, news & events and lifestyle. I only write my honest opinions on everything and will not accept any fee or commission for putting up ads here. I believe that all women are beautiful, life is a test and a wonderful gift, being thankful takes you a long way and that photography is an amazing invention.

Monday, 28 February 2011

A Glimpse into Egypt in the 1920s

I came across these beautiful pictures of Egypt captured in the 1920s by Gervais Courtellemont and W. Robert Moore for the National Geographic. They've left me in such awe that I decided to share them with everyone. What a wonderful glimpse back in time it is...

Sometimes I wish I could be taken back in time, when it was more peaceful and humble...

All pictures are from here. These are just some of the pictures featured...

A boat under the sunrise.

A man & two women stand outside his home grown fruit booth in Cairo.

Peering out from a latticework covered balcony.

Street view of the Mosque.

A tower in Cairo.

The Great Sphinx at sunset.

Pyramids & buildings under the sunset.

Temple of Edfu

Fruits for sale.

Children watching over plates made of plaited palm leaf.

Students at the courtyard of Mosque el Azhar.

Sugarcane vendors.

Mosque near Cairo.

Two sais outside the French Legation.

1 comment:

Muslimah for Jannah said...

wow its a truly a beautiful country, so proud to be from that country <3 Egypt.

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